Heart Play
For the month of April, 2019
Every month co-creators of the Divine Dog Wisdom Cards and Cosmic Cat Cards and Guidebooks Barb Horn and Randy Crutcher draw a card from each deck of 60+ cards, after asking for guidance around a central theme for the month.
Every month, Barb Horn and Randy Crutcher, co-creators of the Divine Dog Wisdom and Cosmic Cat Wisdom card decks and guidebooks draw a card from each deck after asking for guidance around a central theme for the month.
The theme for August is Heart Play.
Cat Card = Wholeness
Dog Card= Patience
Leo the Lion and Venus– planets are lined up to play with the heart, love, courage to speak truth
Remember when you were a kid and played straight from your heart’s desire without a thought or care? Moving from one game to another, from the slide to the swing to the merry go round or from one role play to another spontaneously.
That is heart play at its best. This month we’re called to come back to that carefree place. This requires the willingness to be playful and curious, to listen and let go. And when we hear our heart sing, we’re as close to filling up on Source energy as we can be. Notice where you’re being asked to let go and release emotions, regrets, beliefs and stories that keep you out of the play zone. It’s time to recover from “adultitis,” and express your silly and free self.
It takes courage, compassion for and patience with yourself to get back to the truth of who you are, the best of what we call child-like. When that feeling “here we go again” arises around a focus on life’s difficulties, problems or annoyances can you re-discover and own your heart’s desire instead of staying in reaction and contraction? Beyond that resistance or holding on is the creative reserve waiting to birth forward movement, back toward the flow of well-being and wholeness.
Living your truth and heart’s desire requires an inner strength and patience that ultimately takes much less energy than holding on, in or back. A stimulated heart brings passion to the surface, where you can breathe again, feel more alive and eagerly engage with your day. What will you do today to make your heart sing?
More Monthly Messages
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Prayer for Leading
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Prayer for Instigator
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Prayer for Discernment
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Prayer for Listening
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