Recognizing Friends that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge


Crossed Rainbow Bridge: 08/31/2022

Bigsy was a Big Sweet Lab and our Best Friend Doggie in the Whole Wide World! We had the Best of Times together, hiking and snowshoeing hundreds of trails and meeting new friends. Everyone who met Bigsy loved him, including his kitty brothers. Thanksgiving Day 2022 would have been Bigsy’s 9-year Adoptaversary, and we’re most thankful for the time we had with him. Bigsy changed our lives for the better and we’ve asked Bigsy to help us carry on his legacy by sending us another Lab when the time is right. We will always remember and love you, Bigsy!

Kizuna (Kizzie)

Crossed Rainbow Bridge: 11/27/21

Kizuna came to me when she was about 5 years old. She was an angel, a sweet soul who had a cute meow and strong purr. She loved to climb behind me on the couch and hug my head and nuzzle my hair. She also liked to sleep on the pillow by my head at night. She enjoyed a romp, or occasional fisti-paws with her brother and sister cats. And she would be up with me on the table helping me wrap or do cards. We all had trouble eating for a few days after losing her. She was a sweetheart who is missed. I just hung up her Christmas stocking in her honor with the others.

Twinkle Toes

Crossed Rainbow Bridge: 06/21/21
Hotchkiss, Colorado

He was my best friend I loved him so much. He loved ice cream and potato chips. I will miss you and love you forever.


2006-2020 |  Fruita, Colorado

Daisy lived full life and brought so many great joy, love, laughter and unfailing companionship. She gave endlessly and endured traveling in cars and planes or on rafts, house and sailboats to be with her beloveds. She loved her monster, walks, playing ball or stick and simply being by your side. There are no words for the place she has in our hearts and the love she gave.


Passed August 2020

There never was a dog with more attitude and personality. Roxie loved to run, act tough, eat cow patties and climb in your lap on camping trips (after all, there could be wild animals about). We will miss this rez dog and all her antics– we love you Poop Sandwich!


Passed October 11, 2014

My sweet Jack Jack was the best buddy. He won over everyone and was the boss of his neighborhood wherever that may be…from Boston to Sonoma! His stories and spirit lives on in my heart.

Miss Kitty

Miss Kitty was brought in as a feral cat. She was the grandmother of several cats I took in over the years. She lived to be 25, but it was not near long enough. She ruled the house. She was the most loving cat ever. She would stand on your back while you were sleeping. She had a need to be near you. She had kitty dementia at her end, but she was still the best cat EVER. SHE WILL FOREVER BE MISSED.

Dizzie Kittie

Campobello, SC

Thank you for the unconditional love that you gave me. I know you all will be waiting form me when its’ my turn to cross the bridge.



Light of our hearts

Cricket Squeaks

Colorado and Wisconsin

 Purrrrrrfect cat!

Daisy Owens Lundberg

Norfolk, VA

Sweetest pup ever at Poverty Pines.


Hershey was our scaredy-cat, and would hide when anyone other than us was around.  But you couldn’t ask for a sweeter cat, she lived a long life of 21 years!


Passed April, 2018

Harriet was a beautiful Madonna Tabby who graced my life for fourteen years. The name means “ruler of the house,” and in a true feline manner, she did so with grace and dignity. She chose the time of her passing on her own terms and without assistance. She was a great blessing and a constant example of a Zen life.


Passed October 1, 2018

Dogs give us so much and ask so little of us. When they leave us it is just like the loss of a dear human friend.

Lightning was a great buddy, helping me grow up in ways unexpected starting at age 39 when he first came to our home as a little pup from the Espanola Shelter. We ran, hiked, and walked many trails together. May we meet up soon on a trail in dog heaven!


Passed February 24, 2023

Friends saved Maia as a kitten but went on vacation. I spent hours with her until her sweet, affectionate nature emerged. Our bond was forged. When the friends decided not to keep her, she came to me. I was her safe haven, her home. When I saw the Cosmic Cat Friendship card yesterday I was like: wow that’s us! She was my little sunshine, lightweight like a kitten her whole life. She quite suddenly passed away last Friday, after more than 15 years of shared love with us and her pet siblings. I miss her so much…


Passed Sunday, January 30, 2022

Always by my side.

Maisy Moop was a Star. In addition to being an inspiration for the Divine Dog Wisdom cards as a member of the Canine Wisdom Council,  she won the hearts of all she met, with her beagle-pug charm, sausage-shaped body, pin head, and curled up tail. No one suspected her endurance on walks and skis, when she burrowed and plowed through the snow until night fell. She was a discoverer of moles, a patient lounger, and an insufferable ‘foodie’. The nose knew–so many hikes, sniffing and running off to follow her bliss. She taught me patience in her old age walks, discovering what lay along the way. She is in my heart with every step.


Passed Tuesday, August 17, 2021

“Oh, break my heart…break it again, that I may become more loving” – old Sufi saying

Ane and I sadly whispered our final alohas to our beloved companion and “Baby Boy”, Benji. In his old age he had developed renal failure – his kidneys no longer functioned well. Without his daily infusions of saline solution to assist him, he would have perished soon after his diagnosis…

…But nine months later and several cycles of downward spirals followed by brief stabilizing respites threaded together with deep self-inquiry on our part as to how to walk Benji back Home with as much grace, love and nurturing support that he so truly deserved. So, after a lot of deliberation and lost sleep we chose to lovingly assist him out of the terminal hole that he had fallen into… and now our beloved Benji is forever in the hearts and memories of those who had the good fortune to have been touched by his sweet, loving presence.


Passed August 11, 2020

Buddy was our love and light ❤

He was – and still is- the most beautiful soul. He had a big heart and huge personality, and he taught us a lot and still guides us in spirit ❤

????❤We miss him and will love him forever, and we are deeply grateful for 14 wonderful years with him ????

Mona Jo

Paonia, CO – Durango, CO (and back again)

April 23, 2003 – February 27, 2020

Lover of potato chips, professional sunbather, member of the Kitty Wisdom Council16-year-old seven-toed goddess of the rice paddy, we wish you love and freedom on your journey.


Passed August 26, 2017

Annie bannan-y was our first baby, going on countless adventures and getting into endless mischief. She knew what you were feeling and would try to comfort and be with me when I needed it the most. She had a ton of sass too making sure you knew how she felt when she was left at the house. She was a constant presence that is still missed today and forever.


Baumholder & Weisbaden, Germany;  Fort Drum, NY

June 1995 – February 2013

My beloved Mica was with me for over 17 years, she kept me sane, being my rock during my husband’s military career. Mica never minded all the traveling or different homes. She was always a lady with grace, respect and dignity. Mica and I could read each others without a sound or look, knowing what the other needed. Mica fought and stayed with me for 11 years after her fibrosarcoma diagnosis at age 6. She is greatly missed by myself, my husband, her brother Stewie, who still looks for her everyday.


Birmingham, AL

Dini was our precious cerebellar hypoplasia baby. She lived almost 19 years and was the light of our lives.


Illinois, Ohio, Colorado,  2000-2019

My closest companion and love for over 18 years. He was with me from just a few weeks old until January 14, 2009. He will always be on my mind and in my heart.


We found this big hunk of love at a shelter and he was 3 years old.  How lucky we were, the best cat, so loving and would follow us from room to room.  We only had him 9 months before dying suddenly from FIP but he changed our lives forever.


Our hearts were broken when we lost our Powder, but we were blessed to have such a special cat for 20 years. She would meet us at the door and jump from lap to lap and loved us unconditionally.


2012 – 2016, Portland, OR

There is one fewer good dog in the world tonight.  Four years is not long enough for a good dog to live, and six months was not nearly long enough for him to be a part of our lives.  Ollie loved us immediately and without reservation, and we couldn’t help bu do the same. he was a counter-surfer, a sock-stealer, a deer-chaser and a took up way too much space on the bed.  He was the ideal mix of exuberant puppy and lazy old couch-dog. And we will be sweeping his hair out of the corners for the next four years.

Rest well, sweet dog.  You are missed. 

“Let the passing of dear friends resound in your heart.”

An Invitation to honor your Pet in our

Memorial Garden

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It’s just one simple act that declares something special was exchanged between you and your pet that is deserving of remembrance. We embrace your sorrow and your gratitude, knowing you’re not alone in this life passage. So, if you like, we invite you to take a moment, perhaps when a memory pops up or on an anniversary, write a few words, then post a tribute to the pet that has passed out of your life. Dog, cat, hamster, rabbit, bird, horse, lizard – they gave something to your life.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Remembering through Portraiture

  • Forever Paintings

    Another way to memorialize your pet. Artist Ted Pullig uses some of the ashes of your pet in the paint for his unique pet portraits as a way for you to remember your pet.

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