Instigator- Gotta Start Something. Sometimes we need a poke to get off our butt and move our lives forward. Sometimes we are that poke for others. Poking for the sake of a reaction is not productive, but nudging that sparks movement, an idea, 0r gets the energy moving again is beneficial. This is not nagging, it is dabbing at what is ready to birth. Maybe you need to poke a group or a team that needs a little stirring up. Make it fun, don’t poke and run! Get creative and bring joy and curiosity to the poke! Cats love to stir things up just to see what will happen. Don’t be relentless, but bring your curiosity.
Prayer: Universe (or your Divinity) let’s stir things up. Guide me to where or when I am resisting my own need to move or get going. Let me see and experience that as a gift or an opening. Help me instigate from a place of love, curiosity, and service to the whole. It is time for something new, to get edgy, and move toward my destiny.
Card Prayers
Prayer for Boredom
Time to Sit and Stay. Boredom is a necessary creative energy and force. When we sink into and sit with boredom our curiosity is awakened. Why don’t we feel alive, what brings us joy, [...]
Prayer for Caution
Beware of Dogs. The energy of the chaos and external events has our defenses on overdrive. We're at a chronic level of anxiety and worry. Cautiousness is healthy but not all dogs are mean, [...]
Prayer for Leading
Step Out in Front. No time like the present. You and only you have sovereignty over your life, to discover your purpose by living life and giving your gifts. That is leading your own [...]