Featured Kitten: Matilda Matilda is 1 1/2 years old, with a great sense of humor. Yes, there’s something very silly about her! She's spunky, dances on her hind legs when meal time arrives, and can be very chatty. She started off being quite fearful but over the months has become [...]
Grieve with Them
Teresa Shishim2022-03-22T17:00:20-06:00From Tammy Billups, Sundance Healing Center Whether the loss is a person or an animal, or someone moving out of the home, your animal(s) will feel grief and loss too. They might stop eating, seem depressed, sleep more and not want to play as much. It is a common reaction [...]
Why Use a Wisdom Deck?
Teresa Shishim2022-02-04T03:46:37-07:00From Karen Stuth, Founder Satiama Publishing Card decks are becoming increasingly popular among spiritualists, psychologists, persons seeking their own personal development path, and, for others, as a tool for entertainment. But the use of card decks are also highly misunderstood; this likely derives from many old movies featuring scenes of [...]
The Power of Journaling with the Divine Dog and Cosmic Cat Wisdom Cards
Teresa Shishim2022-02-04T03:53:02-07:00From Karin Lubin, Ed.D. Creator of My Life Through The Seasons: A Wisdom Journal and Planner I love early mornings looking out my window, often greeted by pink and purple splashes across the sky at sunrise. With my steaming cup of coffee, I settle in with my journal and [...]
Trust the Mirrors
Teresa Shishim2022-03-22T17:01:20-06:00From Tammy Billups, Sundance Healing Center The animal-human connection is magnetic, and you will unconsciously be drawn to the animals that mirror you and hold messages for healing and growth. Our animals are always reflecting what we like or don’t like about ourselves. They might be mirroring your personality, unhealed [...]
Flapjack Shortstack
Teresa Shishim2019-09-30T17:36:29-06:00Meet Flapjack Shortstack EnlightenUp, LLC has ‘adopted’ Kitten Associates, a cat rescue/foster organization that rescues, fosters, and re-adopts both kittens and full grown cats, and often cats with special needs, has taken on a new and significant challenge: a physically-challenged kitten named Flapjack Shortstack. Flapjack is unable to walk because of leg deformities, [...]