Completion and Preparation
For the month of December, 2019
Every month co-creators of the Divine Dog Wisdom Cards and Cosmic Cat Cards and Guidebooks Barb Horn and Randy Crutcher draw a card from each deck of 60+ cards, after asking for guidance around a central theme for the month.
Cat Card = Expectation, Expect the Best
Dog Card= Wild Dog, Answer the Call
As we approach the finale of another circle round the Sun, with the shortest day in the northern hemisphere, the Winter Solstice, we’re bearing in mind and heart what needs finishing, as we look to a new spin in 2020.
This is a time for clearing out drawers and thoughts, extra baggage not needed for the new year. Whatever it takes to move an inch or a mile in the direction of completion now will serve you in preparing for the fresh experiences, opportunities and adventures that await around the next bend. From the accumulation of physical clutter to the nagging feelings that go with thoughts of not being enough or having enough, you can offload in a multitude of ways.
By very literally going through the rooms of your abode, seeing what is not needed or could be re-arranged to give you more space, and giving away (as holiday gifts perhaps?) or recycling in some other way, you will immediately feel lighter and freer.
What needs to be spoken to others that you’ve been holding onto? Words of forgiveness, words of appreciation, an honest and loving sharing of what separates you? A sharing of your true passions now, and what you need to do to take care of yourself? Sometimes a break up of old patterns is required for a breakthrough, one that ultimately serves you and the relationship. And that begins with communication.
What in your business or creative endeavor needs completing before 2019 is put to bed? Is it the books, or is it reading a new book about visioning and preparing for a creative new business cycle? Whatever it is, pursuing greater clarity about what is really feeding you, will step you into a new frequency of attraction from which you can take action aligned with your higher purpose and contribution.
So, go ahead and complete anything your inner wisdom and intuition brings to mind or heart now that can make a difference in you opening to a more joyful, celebrative and expansive sense of being for the remaining days of December that helps prepare you for a fresh start in January.
Dog Card drawn for December theme:
Wild Dog- Answer the Call
Excerpt from Divine Dog Wisdom Deck Guidebook:
“Another Bone to Chew On- This could be a good time to go into solitude to better hear the call above the din of life as usual. Or maybe you feel compelled to set off on an adventure of some kind that challenges you and can help you frame and design the next chapter or stage of life….”
Cat Card drawn for December 2019
Expectation – Expect the Best
Take a quick inventory of this past year, then list the highs and the lows. What did you notice about where you put most of your attention and energy? When were your expectations not met and how did that effect your sense of balance, peace and well-being? Now take some big exhalations and breathe out any leftover disappointment or disillusionment.
What did you complete or are about to? Acknowledge yourself for meeting or exceeding expectations, no matter how big or small you think your efforts were.
Next, plant early seeds of intention for next year, dreaming big, assuming you will have the energy, time and money to meet expectations even if you don’t yet know how. Keep your attention focused on best case scenarios. Where thoughts go, form follows.
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