Stay with the Process. A hunter has a plan and tenacity that knows its prey and it ability to succeed. A hunter is grounded, persistent and focused. Chaos, doubt or any activity or emotions are blocked out during the hunt. That kind of tenacity is what is needed for you to achieve your goals and progress. The distractions, chaos, dissolution and uncertainty amps up and so does your focus on progress. A hunter doesn’t allow themselves to be distracted by anything that is not serving progress. Whatever it is you want or need requires this kind of tenacity, especially now.
Prayer: Universe (or your Divinity) give me the strength to let go of what is not serving what I need and want right now. Give me the wisdom to stay focused and aligned with my truth, as well as who and what supports me: What I eat, what I read or listen to, who I hang with and what I trust and believe, including the words and stories I tell myself. There is no room for doubt or hesitation, I chose to hunt for the better of humanity and myself.
Card Prayers
Prayer for Boredom
Time to Sit and Stay. Boredom is a necessary creative energy and force. When we sink into and sit with boredom our curiosity is awakened. Why don’t we feel alive, what brings us joy, [...]
Prayer for Caution
Beware of Dogs. The energy of the chaos and external events has our defenses on overdrive. We're at a chronic level of anxiety and worry. Cautiousness is healthy but not all dogs are mean, [...]
Prayer for Leading
Step Out in Front. No time like the present. You and only you have sovereignty over your life, to discover your purpose by living life and giving your gifts. That is leading your own [...]