Right Under Your Nose. What is in your blind spot you are ready to see? Where have you been digging the wrong hole, chasing the wrong ball or marking the wrong territory? Avoiding clarity can sometimes feel safer or less threatening distracting you from your real purpose, path, bark and play. Sometimes clarity is there, we just don’t like the message, loss of control or identity it may deliver. The clarity you seek is right under your nose, what are you missing, not seeing or accepting about yourself or your life that if you did would change everything? What and who can help you seek that bone?
Prayer: Universe (or your Divinity) I have many roles and obligations, stories and beliefs that keep me in a groove but perhaps not the path to the real treat I meant to experience and co-create. Help me notice and acknowledge the synchronicity and messages that are lighting my path and the courage to stop doing what is keeping me from listening and acting and start doing what is life affirming and in my highest good.
Card Prayers
Prayer for Boredom
Time to Sit and Stay. Boredom is a necessary creative energy and force. When we sink into and sit with boredom our curiosity is awakened. Why don’t we feel alive, what brings us joy, [...]
Prayer for Caution
Beware of Dogs. The energy of the chaos and external events has our defenses on overdrive. We're at a chronic level of anxiety and worry. Cautiousness is healthy but not all dogs are mean, [...]
Prayer for Leading
Step Out in Front. No time like the present. You and only you have sovereignty over your life, to discover your purpose by living life and giving your gifts. That is leading your own [...]