Beware of Dogs. The energy of the chaos and external events has our defenses on overdrive. We’re at a chronic level of anxiety and worry. Cautiousness is healthy but not all dogs are mean, many are just curious and bumbly. In overdrive we become blinded by fear and worry that is not real. You miss out on your nine lives, some great catnip and ability to discern. Trust you can tell the difference about when to retreat and when to come out.
Prayer: Universe (or your Divinity) help me pay attention to my intuition and real signs of caution. Help me discern and let go of worry and anxiety through this trust and engaging in the world. I bring joy to others and experience joy when I am not overly cautious. Help me take action when I need to protect myself, shake that off and re-enter the world with confidence.
Card Prayers
Prayer for Boredom
Time to Sit and Stay. Boredom is a necessary creative energy and force. When we sink into and sit with boredom our curiosity is awakened. Why don’t we feel alive, what brings us joy, [...]
Prayer for Caution
Beware of Dogs. The energy of the chaos and external events has our defenses on overdrive. We're at a chronic level of anxiety and worry. Cautiousness is healthy but not all dogs are mean, [...]
Prayer for Leading
Step Out in Front. No time like the present. You and only you have sovereignty over your life, to discover your purpose by living life and giving your gifts. That is leading your own [...]