Feel the Heat, Then Turn it Down. Anger is necessary and sacred. You pull it out, use it, transmute it, let it go and move on. Dogs do this all the time. Meet the anger when it is there, as it is telling you something. Be curious about the trigger. What emotion is under the anger, what need is not being met or value underneath? Anger may be the just response but perhaps not the vibration for which to take action or make a decision that honors your highest good. If you don’t allow it, it will settle in your body and energy field and show up again. Sacred anger is when the anger is a catalyst for changing the external and or internal conditions that it illuminates.
Prayer: Universe (or your Divinity): Sometimes my anger scares me, sometimes I don’t know what to do with it. Please give me the strength and courage to meet my anger and transmute it into decisions, words and actions for my highest good. Sometimes I get caught up in my anger and allow it to drive me before I understand its purpose. Give me the wisdom to know when that is happening so I can bring mindfulness and kindness to my soul and forgiveness to where it is needed.
Prayer: Universe (or your Divinity) help me remember my ability to cultivate bliss contentment here and now by choice. Not as a way to ignore or avoid reality and challenges, but as a path to bring bliss and peace in the outer world by accessing it myself. It might be a fleeting moment or a frozen minute in time and for that kiss with bliss I am willing to create it and share it with the world.
Card Prayers
Prayer for Boredom
Time to Sit and Stay. Boredom is a necessary creative energy and force. When we sink into and sit with boredom our curiosity is awakened. Why don’t we feel alive, what brings us joy, [...]
Prayer for Caution
Beware of Dogs. The energy of the chaos and external events has our defenses on overdrive. We're at a chronic level of anxiety and worry. Cautiousness is healthy but not all dogs are mean, [...]
Prayer for Leading
Step Out in Front. No time like the present. You and only you have sovereignty over your life, to discover your purpose by living life and giving your gifts. That is leading your own [...]